How to play

  • How to build a rail: click and hold 1 second on a tile next to another tile or built station
  • You can find the goal of the game in the upper right corner
  • Rail production and raw material production are active even when you are not playing
  • You can only build new rails next to an existing rail or a built station
  • It's important that you make rails in factories, or you'll run out of it
  • Y-branch type rail can be manufactured in the Complex rail factory

About Railroad Tiles

The objective of the game is to build and manage a railroad company by laying track, building/upgrading stations, buying trains and creating train rails in factories. You have to connect the objective stations to win the game.


Download Railroad Tiles

Free Downloadable versions (Win, Linux, Max, Android) of this game can be found here:



Supported languages

English Français Deutsch Magyar Italiano Português русский Español

Future plans

  • "World map" screen with several selectable levels
  • About 8 maps like this (in the demo)
  • Manual save slots

Known bugs

  • Checking objectives completed is not perfect yet
  • The game not working on Mac computers with Apple silicon, only with Intel.
Updated 11 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
TagsCity Builder, Management, Railroad, Tileset, Trains, Tycoon


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Development log


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(1 edit)


The game is not forgotten, but I have a full time job beside this. Now we are working on 3 titles in the same time, so sorry but I have no energy left for this project.  I want to refactor someday add new features, better graphics etc, but I cannot give you any ETA

(2 edits)

Game is glitchy with a vital track missing, aka the T Track which would allow trains to go either left or right, Can't delete your progress if you heavily messed up, Some trains get stuck, it is a good game, but definitely needs improvement and I know it can thrive, it just needs some more work put into it

(1 edit) (+1)

I really liked this game, it was fun that you can ride your trains. I also found the controls somewhat confusing, it would be nice to be able to pane the camera with wasd/arrow keys. I like the idea that you can only place rails next to other rails, but maybe remove the tile click effect when you click invalid tiles, to make it more clear that they are not allowed. Would also suggest adding some volume controls, I know it does not feel like a priority, but it make the game a lot easier to keep playing.


At one point when I clicked to view a train I ended up at a black screen with no way of getting back to the game.

Trains also stops working if you modify the track they are using. had to delete them and re buy to get them to work again. 

The tile clicking to open the rail menu seems inconsistent, often the menu does not open.

I am looking forward for more updates to this, god job. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Very cool game. It's a bit confusing at the start (especially the controls), but it's really fun once you get the hang of it. A track like this would be very useful:   I really hope you keep developing this game, and I wish you the best of luck. 


There will be several updates in the future, thats sure. And yeah, there are a lots of ask for the "T" track, so probably it will be available in the future, but will be really rare.

I don't get how you do anything except moving the camera around. How do you even place rails? Do I have to produce rails in the very beginning? How do I do that?
Literally nothing works and all rail factories are closed and don't do anything. How am I supposed to even start?


Oh. Figured it out. You have to click on a square next to a railstation and hold the mouse button down for 2 seconds on that field to make the build menu appear.

What a very, very unintuitive and annoying control scheme. Just do leftclick to build, rightclick to move camera around instead of this hold-for-2-seconds.


Yep, this is not the final control and also not the final game, just a prototype. The building of rails will be changed as the rails popup will be disabled and you will see the possible routes instantly as you build one. You click on the desired one, and you will se the next ones in that moment, etc... So you have to hold down only once and then just click/tapping on the right ones.

Amm... yeah I'ts maybe sounds a bit too complex, but belive me, it will be cool!

Also there will be tons of improvments and quality of life updates. This version was about to make it work, now comes the fun part of the development :)